Be prepared:After it's set up and you've had people over, you're going to be QUITE popular!Expect comments like "I'm going to be over at your place every afternoon."Haier America should realize their best marketing ploy is satisfied customers.I've had it two weeks and Haier may be selling 3 additional units soon.
OK, so what about the product rating, especially in light of all the negative comments provided earlier?Well, here's my take on it:
- Set up was fairly simple, if you discount the fact that one part was missing (see below).
- Quality seems to be adequate.They use quality parts, e.g., the CO2 regulator and dispensing valve.
- It's keeping my second (post party) keg perfectly chilled and pressurized.(Since the first keg only lasted several hours, we can't base much judgement on that.)
- It's wonderful to come home to a fresh, draft beer!
- Finding a place to refill the CO2 canister can be difficult.Most commercial places will only exchange (take your brand new canister and give you a used, filled canister).I finally found a fire extinguisher service that does refills after making MANY calls.
Does this make it perfect?Hardly.
My experience confirms that Haier America has poor customer service.I purcased the unit a week in advance of a party I was hosting.After getting it home and setting it up, I realized (according to the manual) that it was missing the washer that goes between the CO2 tank and the regulator.I called Haier customer service the following morning and was shocked by how they treated me.The basic tone of their response was "tough luck."I would have to follow their procedures which were:1) fax or send via US mail my purchase receipt 2) Allow them two business days from their receipt of this to get back to me 3) After doing a 'confirmation' they would send me the washer within two weeks.
I was irate and told them so!I had purchased the unit specifically for my upcoming party and now would not be able to use it!Their reponse:"These are our procedures."
I did two things after this:
1) I located the manufacturer of the CO2 regulator and contacted them about the possibility of getting a washer.They informed me that the regulator was redesigned and did not need a washer.Haier was supposed to include an update with their user manual (they didn't, and customer service obviously wasn't aware of this change).
2) I located information on Haier America and faxed their CEO an scathing letter telling him what I thought about spending $500 for something and not being able to use it at the function I bought it for!Lo and behold, the next day I received a call from their corporate offices saying they would be overnighting me the missing washer. I explained I had learned it wasn't needed, but the woman calling me wasn't taking any chances.She overnighted it to me anyway.Moral of the story:Make your voice heard when you recieve bad service.
Anyway, my 'washerless' set up is now working fine and I'm loving the unit.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Haier HBF05EBSS Draft Beer Dispenser
Product Description:
The Haier HBF05EBSS Kegerator with Stainless Steel Door is the only full-size keg beer cooler with the ability to be turned into an all-refrigerator with two shelves. In addition to coming complete with all the all the necessary draft beer equipment to pour fresh draft beer straight from the keg, this kegerator can easily be converted to a regulator refrigerator. The Haier Kegerator with Stainless Steel Door is designed for home use so it designed with quiet and energy efficiency in mind. 2 1/2" casters make this unit very easy to move from your bar to your patio. This unit also comes with an attractive metal safety rail to help keep mugs and glasses from sliding off. This unit comes with everything you need except the keg. You will need to get the CO2 tank filled locally. You should look up gas suppliers in your local yellow pages to find a place to get the tank filled. A full CO2 tank should last about 5 to 6 kegs.
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