Sinead O'Connor Fights the Real Enemy! - Refrigerator Magnet Review

Sinead O'Connor Fights the Real Enemy - Refrigerator MagnetSinead expresses rage with a 2,000 year old instiution.Her bald pate contrasts sharply with the traditional figure she tears down.Very expressive of modern impatience with The Church.O'Conner's baldy pate helps give women silent in the church, immoral masturbation and pomp and ritual a big sendup in this small circle.She vividly expresses modern Ireland's cultural autonomy.Few rock stars sass The Church.Sinead O'Conner's religious statement rocked America even on Saturday Night Live.

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Product Description:
On October 3, 1992 Sinead O'Connor went off the reservation on Saturday Night Live, demanding that we should "Fight the real enemy!" Then she whipped out a picture of the pope, and tore it (and her commercial career) to shreds. Here's the moment of truth embedded in a 3" refrigerator magnet.Foolish, principled, or both? It's certainly a beautifully dramatic moment.

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