I've always wanted a side by side, and finally saved up enough to purchase this one. I was told it was a good refrigerator, well made and all that. It did work for about 10 months before it started blitzing. Lucky for me it was before the warranty ended, not so lucky for me & 4 to 5 visits from the store repairman I believe my problems still have not been resolved. The weird thing is, my model number is GSH22JSXSA, yet its the same side by side using the model number GSH22JSXSS. No repair person can figure out why my model number ends in SA instead of SS, and yes my side by side is stainless steel so that's not it. One repair guy said he believes it is just a newer model as an explaination for this diversion, however plug the model in and nothing, absolutely nothing comes up as that model number. Ok, on to the problems. My s/s started freezing up every thing inside, and melt occured along the front of the door and along the sides which would of course freeze over. I had frozen drips hanging from the shelves and snow covered foods so thick you had to melt it off by running under warm water to know what was in those packages. The first repairman said the situation inside was our fault and occured due to leaving the door open. However, that was not the case, but he over-rode any thing I had to say to the contrary; was rude and very disrespectful. I work or probably would have noticed something that was happening with the s/s sooner. One day during the weekend I happened to open up the freezer section and actually felt heat. Now that was odd. I noticed moisture along the walls of the freezer section as every thing was melting and no evaporation of this moisture occured. The freezer section was really hot towards the top above the ice bin, melting the icecubes causing the half ice and water to coagulate around the auger. The defroster/heater wasn't turning off in a timely manner and melting everything. Weirder yet, after this thaw or what I called intermittent freezer hot flashes, the freezer would go to the opposite extreme of too cold refreezing all the foods stored there even at a setting of 1. Guess what, the door wasn't left opened and hey GE I discovered it wasn't our fault. On several occasions I smelled a burning scent and when I opened the freezer during an especially strong smell of something burning, the heat was more intense from within and the light bulb inside blew up. Not just burn out, it exploded and shards of tiny pieces of glass were on my food in the freezer and my feet on the floor. I still don't know why this happened, other than what the repair person said that the heaterwasn't working right and stays on too long.Heat rises and ice melts. He didn't seem concerned that this might be a safety issue, the defroster running too long doesn't explain the burning scent and why the light bulb disintegrated. Not to mention what could have happened if I had young children under foot. Mother board replaced, thermostat & sensor replaced, heater replaced, ice cube maker replaced. Once these things were fixed, well sort of, after months of ice cubes melting to the auger so ice didn't dispense I was advised after the last fix that the cubes should dispense just fine. Well the ice cubes still aren't being dispensed. I noticed after the last fix last Friday, ice cubes are not melting, staying separate, and so far no intense heat aka hot flashes. I can't say the freezer is running optimally, not yet... its still running colder than it should even at a setting of 1 "but" I haven't noticed burning smells recently, no snow is covering my foods, there are no frozen drips hanging from the shelves or icecycles along the sides and front. Its only been 3 days so all I can say is we will see. But I have to admit, I'm a bit afraid of this appliance, whether it will possibly heat up again and maybe cause a fire, I worry that the light bulb will explode again, I wonder if it will ever work like it should, & I'm hoping I didn't waste the money I spent to buy it. I had a choice, and picked this GE model out of many other brands. All my appliances are GE and all have been quality. GE, what happened with this s/s, what's going on?
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GE GSL22JFXLB Energy Star 22.0 Cu. Ft. Side-By-Side Refrigerator (Clean Steel)Product Description: GE CleanSteel 22 Cubic Foot Side By Side Refrigerator - GSL22JFSS. CleanSteel Exterior. External Temperature Controls With Child Lock. Adjustable Humidity Vegetable.Fruit Crispers. Adjustable Temperature Deli Drawer. Snack Pan. Adjustable Gallon Door Bins. Black Deluxe Handles. CleanSteel Door With Black Case
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