Running continously, it does have to be "defrosted" every two weeks or so. Simply turn the unit off for five or ten minutes and pull the ice off of the cooling platter. It's really no big deal. It's also rather quiet with just a small vent fan.
It can be used as a stand up or on its side as a chest (which is what I did). On it's side it'll hold a six pack of drinks.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Vector 12-Volt Portable Mini Fridge Cooler & Warmer AC/DC Refridgerator
Product Description:
Eathealthy while you're traveling with the Vector mini fridge cooler andheater. This advanced thermoelectric fridge will cool your meals forstorage, and with a flick of a switch it will heat them up to 120degrees Fahrenheit! Keep your cold stuff cold, and your hot stuff hot.You can power this device using a standard outlet in your home or hotelroom, or plug it into your vehicle lighter socket to keep your foodcold or warm during trips. Both power sources are supplied. The Vectormini fridge has a large storage capacity and allows you to store bothfood and drinks. It has enough space inside for up to 8 soda cans. Theweather-resistant housing is durable enough for frequent outdoor use,and the entire unit weighs only five pounds! This makes it easy to moveand light enough for camping trips or picnics.This fridge is ideal for sandwiches, soups, fruit, vegetables, meats,snacks, bottled water, sodas and drinks. Place it on your computer deskand grab a cold beverage without getting up at the office. Store it inyour car and enjoy a fresh snack while you're driving. Ideal forcamping, tents, road trips, commuters, hotels, bedside, dormitories,picnics, families with kids, tailgate parties, the beach, and even youroffice or den. The applications are endless. Ideal for busy and mobilelifestyles.Operating Instructions: simply plug your portable mini fridge into the12-volt cigarette lighter receptacle in your vehicle or home 110-voltwall socket and the unit will begin to operate.
Buy cheap Vector 12-Volt Portable Mini Fridge Cooler & Warmer AC/DC Refridgerator now
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